Planning Consultant and Technical Reviewer

Almahyra is a consultant for various licenses and one of them is a consultant for Certificate of Functionality or abbreviated as SLF.

We are ready to help you to manage SLF for your building or factory in accordance with applicable regulations related to SLF.

Best SLF Management Service in Indonesia

Almahyra is a consultant for various licenses and one of them is a consultant for Certificate of Functionality or abbreviated as SLF.

We are ready to help you to manage SLF for your building or factory in accordance with applicable regulations related to SLF.

SLF Services

Functional Eligibility Certificate (SLF) is a certificate issued by the Regional Government to declare the functional feasibility of a building. In this regard, the scope of technical assessment services we offer includes:

  • Examination of administrative documents, implementation, maintenance and maintenance of buildings
  • Activities for checking the condition of the building against the fulfillment of technical requirements, including testing the reliability of the building
  • Analysis and evaluation activities
  • Report preparation activities
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“Proses pengurusan SLF cepat dan sangat terukur. Pelayanan yang diberikan juga sangat baik, ramah, dan responsif.”
Ivana Angelia
CFO Bumi Indah Residence
“Memiliki sebuah hunian yang sudah lengkap dokumen dan perizinannya tentu sangat melegakan hati. Jika Anda sedang mencari hunian yang sudah memiliki SLF dan IMB”
Tommy Chandra
COO Bumi Adipura
“Sebenarnya cara mengurus SLF ini relatif cukup mudah dan prosesnya cepat jika semua persyaratannya terpenuhi.”
Junaidi Siregar
Staff Operasional Summarecon Bandung


We handled many building and factory building projects that have obtained the Functional Eligibility Certificate (SLF) from the Regional Government.

PT. Gudang Garam TBK
Kab. Karawang 2021
PT. Uwu Jump Indonesia
Kab. Subang 2019
Sampoerna Academy
Kab. Bogor 2019
PT. Asia Fasific Fiber
Kab. Karawang 2021

News & Event

Things to Know About SLF Factory and Warehouse

Things to Know About SLF Factory and Warehouse

In order to realize a building that is functional and does not violate harmony with the environment, the reliability of the building must be guaranteed in terms of safety, health, comfort, and convenience. This is confirmed by PP No. 36 of 2005 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law no. 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings, Article 26 […]

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This Equipment Must In Built Drawing

This Equipment Must In Built Drawing

As-Built Drawing made according to conditions that occur in the field, and have adopted all changes during the construction process. As-Built Drawings made by architects and/or consultants show various project components such as location, dimensions, and other measurements. This image is very much needed in the application for the Function Feasibility Certificate (SLF), because it […]

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The Benefit Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF) For User

The Benefit Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF) For User

When operating a building, the position of the Function-worthy Certificate (SLF) is very important. Even ideally, without SLF, a building should not be used. For this reason, it is better for the public to know the benefits of the Function Feasibility Certificate for building users. Its main purpose is to maintain the security, comfort, and […]

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Disadvantages of Not Having a Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF)

Disadvantages of Not Having a Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF)

Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF) is a certificate issued by the DKI Regional Government for buildings that have met the requirements for function feasibility. This SLF must be owned by all buildings before being used or occupied. However, unfortunately, the existence of SLF is not easy to detect. In fact, often times, the presence or absence of […]

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