Disadvantages of Not Having a Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF)

Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF) is a certificate issued by the DKI Regional Government for buildings that have met the requirements for function feasibility. This SLF must be owned by all buildings before being used or occupied.

However, unfortunately, the existence of SLF is not easy to detect. In fact, often times, the presence or absence of a building is only discovered when the building is in trouble.


Apartment building on fire For example, in the case of an apartment building fire in Jakarta in 2019. This disaster caused dozens of residents to be rushed to the hospital, to get medical treatment due to exposure to the fire.

Some time later it was revealed that when the fire broke out, the fire extinguisher in the apartment was not working. The elevator was broken.

Surprisingly, it was later discovered that the apartment building did not have an SLF. In fact, a few months earlier, it had been sealed.

The question is, why is the building still able to operate, even though it doesn’t have an SLF?

Of course, this is worth exploring, because the absence of SLF has an impact on the safety of residents. Unfortunately, apartment residents don’t get enough information about the feasibility of their occupancy. It’s sad, consumers who spend hundreds of millions to get housing, are in the weakest position.

Developer Disadvantages

It should be noted that without SLF ownership, the developer actually loses, because they cannot do the following:

  1. issue a Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) when transacting with consumers
  2. open a banking branch in the building, because for that, OJK requires SLF
  3. Established the Association of Residents of Flats (PPRS)
  4. charge a maintenance fee.

So, naturally, the absence of SLF is something developers should avoid. If SLF is so important to developers, then why don’t so many have it?

The answer that consumers get when they question the ownership of the SLF is “in progress”, without a clear time, when this SLF will be issued.

If managing SLF ownership is considered a hassle, actually the developer can use the services of a trusted consultant, PT Almahyra Bumi Hijau Mandiri.

PT Almahyra Bumi Hijau Mandiri has advantages in quality of workmanship, timeliness of workmanship, professionalism, plus competitive prices. PT Almahyra Bumi Hijau Mandiri also has a great and professional team in designing and executing projects.

Well, what are you waiting for? (*)

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