OSS Function Feasibility Certificate(SLF), What Is It?

In the application for the issuance of a Function-worthy Certificate (SLF), the term OSS (Online Single Submission) Function-Worthy Certificate is known. According to Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018, Electronically Integrated Business Licensing or OSS is an application used for all registration processes and business licensing applications as well as other licensing applications, which are included in business licensing services.

In essence, OSS is a website-based application that simplifies the licensing application process, and then the decision-makers will take action.

Facilitating Information

This Web OSS also facilitates information including business application data, licensing data, regional agency data, regional licensing data, and others.

The OSS Institution will issue a business permit for and on behalf of the minister, head of the institution, governor, or regent/mayor to Business Actor through a well-integrated electronic system.

As IMB and SLF affairs are connected to the Online Single Submission, it will make it easier and simpler for business actors to provide licensing services.

If you want to apply for an IMB, business actors who have obtained an IMB through OSS are required to fulfill the IMB commitment through the Building Management Information System, which is attached with a technical plan of the building issued by the Team of Building Experts.

Through the Sync Process

Meanwhile, buildings that have met the requirements for function feasibility and their use functions are in accordance with the IMB, they will get SLF according to the application.

The validity period of the issued SLF is 5 years for public buildings and 10 years for residential houses. This arrangement is needed to provide security and safety for building users.

These two types of permits have gone through a synchronization process with the OSS, and the government has issued Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19/PRT/M/2018 concerning the Implementation of Building IMB and Building SLF through Business Licensing Services.

This Online Single Submission can issue SLF no later than 3 working days after the local government through SIMBG informs that the SLF has met all the requirements required by regulation and can be issued. (*)

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