Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 27/PRT/M/2018 concerning the Certificate of Feasibility of Building Functions, the process of issuing the Certificate of Feasibility of Function (SLF) for buildings is divided into several groups, with the following arrangements:
Classification of buildings in the implementation of SLF is distinguished based on:
- The complexity and height of the building, which consists of:
– Simple building 1 (one) floor
– Simple building with 2 (two) floors
– Non-simple and special buildings up to 5 (five) floors
– Non-simple buildings and special buildings with more than 5 (five) floors.
In addition to this classification, in the process of issuing SLF there is a so-called new building. The provisions confirm that the so-called new buildings are:
- unused building before the final hand over, in the event that the construction of the building uses a service provider; or
- Bangunan gedung yang belum dimanfaatkan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun setelah pelaksanaan konstruksinya dinyatakan selesai sesuai dengan
Meanwhile, the condition of the building for which a certificate of building function is being submitted can be in the form of a new building or an existing building. Existing buildings can be:
- Buildings that have been used
- Buildings that have been handed over to the final (final hand over) in terms of implementing the construction of the building using a service provider
- Buildings that have been built for more than 1 (one) year in terms of the implementation of building construction do not use service providers.
Functionality Check
Before the SLF is issued, an inspection of the function of the building must be carried out. In full, the inspection of the function of the building is aimed at:
- SLF publishing
- SLF extension
- assessment of building reliability level in post-disaster period; or
- assessment of building reliability level during the building’s utilization period.
It should be noted that the inspection of the function of the building for the purpose of assessing the level of reliability of the building in the post-disaster period is followed up with the issuance or extension of the SLF.
Meanwhile, the inspection of the function of the building for the purpose of assessing the level of reliability of the building during the building’s utilization period, can be followed up with the issuance or extension of the SLF.
The inspection of the function of the building is carried out by:
- construction supervisory service provider or Construction management
- technical review service provider
- the technical team from the regional apparatus administering the building function worthiness certificate. (*)