Must Know, These Are Green Building Rules

The legal basis for green buildings is getting stronger with the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 02/PRT/M/2015, Regarding the Green Building, 2015.

The PU regulation regulates so many things. In addition to requirements, it also regulates certification issues and a team of experts authorized to analyze and assess the validity of green building requirements.

According to the PUPR Ministerial Regulation, green buildings are buildings that meet building requirements and have significantly measurable performance in saving energy, water, and other resources through the application of green building principles, in accordance with the functions and classifications in each stage of its implementation.

Buildings subject to green building requirements are new buildings or buildings that have been used. Then it is divided into 3 categories, namely mandatory, recommended, and voluntary categories.

Meanwhile, the awarding of green building certificates is based on building performance, with the distribution of ratings as follows:

  1. Main green building
  2. Middle green building
  3. Primary green building.

According to the regulations, green building certificates are only granted to building owners who already have an SLF (Certificate of Functional Eligibility) for new buildings, or an extended SLF for buildings that have been used, and have complied with the requirements. (*)

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